๐“ ๐ž ๐ซ ๐ฆ ๐ฌ &

๐‚ ๐จ ๐ง ๐ ๐ข ๐ญ ๐ข ๐จ ๐ง ๐ฌ


๐’ ๐ก ๐ข ๐ฉ ๐ฉ ๐ข ๐ง ๐ 

Same Day Shipping
Items will be shipped double-boxed, provided with an active tracking number that will be issued at the earliest convenience. 

๐‘ ๐ž ๐ญ ๐ฎ ๐ซ ๐ง ๐ฌ

Anything that is Unspecified or any information provided is false, a full refund will be issued along with the cost of return shipping. Fraudulent activity will be resulted into denied future services.

๐„ ๐ฑ ๐œ ๐ก ๐š ๐ง ๐  ๐ž ๐ฌ

Unless anything is unspecified, fraudulent, information provided is false, weโ€™re open for exchanges!